When structural and functional concerns arise, restorative dental treatments can be utilized to produce a healthier smile. Common conditions these solutions can address include missing teeth, bite irregularities, damaged teeth, and severe decay. With so many restorative procedures available, it can feel overwhelming trying to determine which one may be right for you and your needs. 

At Pasadena Dental Aesthetics, cosmetic dentist Arash Azarbal, DDS is committed to helping patients achieve a smile that is aesthetically pleasing, strong, functional, and healthy. With state-of-the-art restorative dental procedures available at our practice, Dr. Azarbal can create a revitalized smile capable of boosting a patient’s confidence and overall well-being. 

Some of the top restorative procedures that Dr. Azarbal performs and recommends for patients, depending on their unique needs and goals, include: 

These are just a few of the many options available that can restore dental function and health while enhancing smile aesthetics at the same time. For more information about restorative dental treatments, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Azarbal, please contact our office today.